Oh No! Not Again!

I can still feel the pain of previous bombing tragedy in Bali and several places in Jakarta such as the Philipines Embassy, BEJ, and JW Marriott. Again, a massive and powerful bom explotion, took place closed to the Australian Embassy, brought disorder to Kuningan area in South Jakarta this morning at about 10:30 a.m. (9/9/2004).

The blast caused extensive damage to some high buildings that rise nearby in the location. Lots of vehicles within the bombing explotion are indeed wreck. Many people died and others are injured. What a great destruction.

huge blast at Kuningan district
What a huge blast (Apac Jakarta)!

Indonesia goes into mourning. We do not understand why this could happen to our country again and again. I don't know who really did this idiotic action. Is there any demonic-thought that came across to their deepest mind?

I express deep condolences to all victims. We condemn terrorism. Oh yeah, To Mr. Coward ups... sorry to Prime Minister Howard, please don't make this worse by your non-symphatic statements. We have been hurt so far with your country policy.

Not another tragedy
Not another tragedy (detik.com)